The following are some things I've done. Enjoy! -- Added a Flash Game Page to TGN to support games that have Flash versions. -- Added 'Reaktor' Flash Game version to TGN. -- Fixed 'Quote' box colors on -- Fixed product links on Products page on -- Fixed grammar error on Corporate Solutions page on -- Removed Paging Control from Articles if no comments are present for a TGN Article. -- Fixed TGN's Article Comments Basic Editor links visuals to matc...
The following is a list of items that I have worked on today (Friday). --Worked on a WindowBlindsUtilies site to display Utilities available by developers who have created items of use. ----Updated text & graphics. --Worked on ImpressionCreator website. Will be finish this over the weekend. ----Updated text & graphics. Created several Pages. --Did some bug reporting and finished up the MailList app in .net on the sdcentral SAM page. --Did some additional graphics work for various other ...
Okay, this week has been a difficult one on front and good on another. First off, I did some rather minor updates to JoeUser. One reason: Troubleshooting a odd problem with Cookies and Session variables. So my question to any and all people would be, when redirecting from one page to another web server and back again, what might cause cookies to be killed as soon as the page leaves the server? I realize that you must set a domain, which was done, but somehow, JoeUser tosses it's...
Well, today was productive despite the lack of a test server. Updated Latest JoeUser Articles to now reflect 10 results and not just 5 Updated login frame window to now support a link to your account info. Added a link from info page to top bloggers. Now you can compare your standings easier. Added HTML Editor to the article reply section (updated action file and common utilities) Added a number to each Reply to reflect which reply your on. Consolida...
This past week has been a busy one. Now that Pat has come up with this crazy new system of writing all projects and ideas on the white board, it's been a lot easier to see what work has to be done. Actually, it's a good system and it seems to be working nicely. Anyway, here is a list of the items completed, or at least completed on the test system ready for final testing. Each item should be ready to be placed on the Production Server after Thursday. --JoeUser. Give detailed messages on Logon...
Enhancements --Added a Date form field (M/D/Y) to the sdnet_login page on stardock with form JavaScript validation for those who are not 18 years of age or older. Will be testing and uploading tomorrow. --Added Quote system to the Article Reply area of JoeUser. Now you can reply to an article and quote from that page. --Added Google advertising to Fixes --Minor Layout fix on Political for adding spacers to the full width of the page for better support and to pr...
Well, today was productive as usual. Here is a list of all the updates that were worked on. Updates / Fixes: --Replace the old JoeUser splash logo with a new high-res image. (thanks Paul for the .png ) --Fixed the Political Machine intro page where it wasn't filtering HTML completely. Grrrr Regular Expressions are buggy! --Fixed the small tabs under the main forum sections on the Political Machine message board (test server). Design --Worked on a concept design really quickly for...