Containing facts, figures and a whole bunch of nothing...
Some people need to lighten up.
Published on August 26, 2004 By Dark-Star In Humor
CHARLESTON, West Virginia (AP) -- Abercrombie & Fitch is poking fun at West Virginia with a T-shirt again, this one reading: "West Virginia: No Lifeguard at the Gene Pool."
Gov. Bob Wise called the slogan cruel and said he would fight back.

In March, Wise sent a letter demanding that the chain of collegiate-style clothing stores dump a shirt that read, "It's All Relative in West Virginia."

"It is unfortunate that Abercrombie & Fitch continues to perpetuate stereotypes rather than positive things like the number of residents serving in the military or the state's PROMISE scholarship program," Wise spokeswoman Jodi Omear said Wednesday.

Other Abercrombie & Fitch T-shirts lampoon Kentucky ("Electricity in Almost Every Town") and Wisconsin ("Wisconsin Cuts the Cheese").

Abercrombie & Fitch, based in New Albany, Ohio, earlier defended its shirt slogans as lighthearted humor.

Spokesman Tom Lennox did not immediately return a call Wednesday.

on Aug 26, 2004
Lol... that is classic!
on Aug 26, 2004
It is unfortunate that Abercrombie & Fitch continues to perpetuate stereotypes rather than positive things like the number of residents serving in the military

This quote in itself is actually rather funny. Higher percentages of military enlistment is usually indicative of higher unemployment; as the military is one of the best avenues out of poverty for many people. So she created her own stereotype while trying to defeat another.
on Aug 26, 2004
Wisconsin ("Wisconsin Cuts the Cheese")

I need that shirt . . . ! How can you not love a shirt that says "cuts the cheese"? !
on Aug 26, 2004

I was wondering the other day if A&F would make a stink about the satirical fisherman's shirt that says "Abreadcrumb & Fish".  I thought it was cute.  I think that people are taking themselves way too seriously if that sort of thing angers them.  I grew up in the sticks and have heard every hick joke in the book.  I think they are totally hilarious and certainly am aware of where the stereotypes come from.

Texas, wouldn't your kids love the "cuts the cheese" one too?  I know my boys would find it hysterical!