Containing facts, figures and a whole bunch of nothing...
Lets hear what you have to say...
Published on September 2, 2005 By Dark-Star In Metaverse
Hello GalCiv fans!

I just wanted to know your feedback on a new feature that will be coming to the GalCiv2 website; The Metaverse! Similar to the original metaverse from GalCiv1 site, we want to allow players the ability to submit game high scores to our website, where they can be ranked against the best GalCiv2 players.

The question is, what sort of medals would you like to see players winning. I'll give you some examples, and perhaps you, the players, can tell us what you want to see included in the new metaverse.

Okay, these are ideas we're looking for:
--Over all high score medals with the top 10 highest scoring players recieving medals.
--Nice guy awards
--Most Evil player award
--Most games played
--Worst average score award <- hehehe I would so own this one.
--Creative ship architect award.

Okay, I hope you get the idea. So with that in mind, lets hear what you think would be a cool NEW addition to the metaverse. GalCiv2 has a ton of new features, so let's be creative here people! We'll pick the best ideas and add them to the metaverse! So get posting!

Here are some concepts. Note the ideas or the graphics here are not final and may change.

Player Ranks:
2nd Lieutenant
Fleet Captain
Rear Admiral
Vice Admiral
Fleet Admiral

Overal Morality:
Very Evil
Chaotic Evil
Chaotic Good
Very Good

Games Submitted:
5 Games
10 Games
15 Games
25 Games
35 Games
50 Games
75 Games
100 Games
150 Games
200 Games

Average Difficulty:
Cake Walk

Comments (Page 2)
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on Sep 06, 2005
Ahh, this is good. Wow, I'm amazed at the amount of time and effort that the community has given to this in the past. Thanks Kevin for looking this info up.
on Feb 25, 2006
Having recently been dethroned as #1, is there a "former #1 medal? I'm not likely to see #1 again
on Feb 25, 2006
What someone up said; Awards for breaking "n" thousand in various categories; 10000 perhaps, or a medal for killing "n" number of enemy ships in one game.
on Feb 25, 2006
Top player in your race for each one of the 4 types of victory.

Example: Top Drengin Conqueror( military victory) , Top Yor Techie (tech ), Top Terran Diplomat (allied victory), Top Arcean CEO ( Influence )

Several different other awards like beating the game at least once with every race. Something for beating the game on every difficulty level. Ribbon or medal for beating every difficulty up to including Normal. Maybe flight wings ? Then another one from Normal on.

Chaos Overlord = most wins on all random settings.

on Feb 25, 2006
I'd like there to be awards for the victory types such as: Conqueror, Diplomat, Wunderkid (influence), Wizkid. Or something along those lines. Many people fine tune their strategies to one victory or another, and I think there ought to be an award for some of the most effective.

I like a lot of the suggestions and the difficulty icons.
on Feb 25, 2006
Because I'm contrary and morbid, what about some more "defeat" based medals?

1. A medal if you submit nothing but defeats.

2. A medal if you get trounced all (three?) possible ways. I've already clocked the military and cultural defeats.

Some incentives to fool around other than getting high scores might be fun, too. Dunno if these are feasible, but...

1. An "Egghead" medal for having lots of labs/tech points?

2. A "Henry Ford" medal for having lots of factories/production?

3. A "Rock Star" medal for having influence points up the wazoo?

4. A "Baby Boomer" medal for having a high population?

5. An "n Wonders of the Galaxy" medal if you manage to build all the tech goods and/or wonders?

Peace & Luv, Liz
on Feb 26, 2006
I am very new to the Metaverse, so maybe this already exists, but was curious if a medal for the fist time you win with a type of victory might be an idea.

1 for your first Research Victory

1 for your first Alliance Victory

1 for your first Influence Victory

and of course

1 for your first Conquering Victory.

Anyhow just a thought, there are some great suggestions above as well.

on Feb 26, 2006
I'd like to see awards for number of losses (5,10,25, 50,100 etc). What about an award for the games that take more than a certain number of turns.
on Feb 26, 2006
What about a medal for:

Political parties used in game?
Collected all Super Projects in one game? 'Project Groupie' medal?
Collected all Galactic Achievements in one game? 'Grand architect' medal?
Collected all Trade Goods in one game? 'Taipan' medal?

and maybe more medals of the above if you win more games with those conditions?
Out of 2 games, one game you collected all Super Projects - 'Project Groupie' medal awarded.
Out of 7 games, you collected all Super Projects in 5 games - 'Schedule Masochist' medal awarded.
Out of 15 games, you collected all Super Projects in 10 games - 'Control Freak' medal awarded.... and so forth

Just some silly suggestions.
on Feb 26, 2006
The type of victory the player achieved should be counted somewhere. It seems like alliance victories are far more quick and easy than are military victories, and tech are a pain in the neck.
on Feb 27, 2006
A medal that hasn't been mentioned yet is Map Size.. Since the medals say a lot about the player who has them, do they prefer many small, quick games or long drawn out Gigantic games?

on Feb 27, 2006
How much information does the Metaverse receive from the player's PC? Some of these might not work if it doesn't log some info.
Slow Poke- games that take longer than X years
Flash - Games that are faster than X weeks
Blitzkrieg- top x% of fast conquest victories or earliest turn someone attacked another player(and won, eventually)
Chairman Mao- all games turned in remained at an Imperial Government
Supreme Chancellor - in all games logged only advanced up to Interstellar Republic
El Presidente- same as above 'cept Star Democracy
Star Fleet Commander (?) - Star Federation
Focused - 50% of games, only at war with one person at any given time.
Schizophrenic (sp?) - Made Evil decisions yet chose the good alignment, or vice versa. For this one, anyone can get it, but it changes colors based on how many times one receives it.
Neanderthal - Won a conquest victory without significant gains in the tech tree
Snob- Lost due to conquest, but quite advanced in technology.
Merchant- Most goods traded (in diplomacy screen) and bcs involved (a statistic not an award)
on Feb 27, 2006
want a "former 1st place"-badge in line with the "former top-25"-badge. same for 2nd and 3rd place maybe. so I can play modded games or not play that much (when work/college starts again) and still have a medal telling ppl I was #1 once

on Feb 28, 2006
and what about a medal for moders? depending on the # of downloads from mods you uploaded. should maybe balanced with the size of the mod so a moder releasing 1 big mod that is downloaded 1000 times is about as good as a moder releasing multiple smaller files that are downloaded as often.
on Mar 01, 2006
and some of their results were posted at

oooh my old website

Not sure if this has been mentioned but how about a medal for a Mod submission to library (Yup as the old Librarian for GCI i am bound to think of that i know )

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